All Episodes

Displaying 91 - 120 of 202 in total

120. Why relationships are critical for breaking into a niche

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.If you are trying to break into a niche, you might be surprised to hear that the quali...

119. How to build a scalable consulting business model

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.How you design your business will have a big impact on your profitability, enjoyment, ...

118. The case for niche specialization

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.There are pros and cons to specialization. In this episode, I break down some of the m...

117. How to measure the effectiveness of your marketing

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.This episode comes from a blog post I wrote in December and I'm sharing my highlights ...

116. How to grow an audience within a niche

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.One of the ways I've been able to grow an audience within the coworking niche is by pa...

115. How to create target market profiles that actually get results

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Do you have a clear idea on who your ideal target market is?Or, do you help your clien...

114. How I would sell web design as an advisor—not a freelancer

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.---I have been building and designing websites for nearly two decades. Wild, right? Do...

113. How to phase into selling advisory work and out of tactical implementation

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Here's a great follow-up question in the thread, Selling transformation vs. selling yo...

112. How to build downside protection into your consulting business model

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Most of my clients these days are turning into long-term clients, ranging from 1 to 4+...

111. Finding resources for continuing education, certification, and ongoing professional development

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Here's a great question from Michelle that came in earlier in the week:Hi - I'm curiou...

110. How to value the work you do

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.When it comes to value, there are two ways to look at things:The value of the expertis...

109. The benefits of writing and publishing daily

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Have you ever considered writing a daily blog?In this episode, I break down some of th...

108. What to do when a client needs results ASAP

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.What do you do when your client needs results ASAP?Or when you have a prospect who has...

107. How to help your clients hire a marketing manager

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.If you're in a marketing strategy/advisory role, you'll inevitably be called to ask to...

106. How to know when to drop your prices (or not)

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Last episode, I talked about how I changed the price and scope up and down for a few d...

105. How to change your prices with current clients

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.There comes a time when you need to change prices with your current clients.For me, it...

104. How to keep an active waiting list when you are fully booked

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Are you fully booked? When it happens, what do you do?Do you refer work away or put cl...

103. How to sell your system—not your process

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Do you find yourself selling the way you work instead of what the client gets at the e...

102. How to duplicate your best clients

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Here's a great topic for today's podcast episode from Mark Evans in the Submit a Quest...

101. The "Coinsorter" list of products and services

I was speaking with a coaching client today about creating a list of offerings that make it easy for all opportunities to fall into one predefined offer.It's basically...

100. Only do it if you're willing to do it 100 times

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Welcome to the 100th episode of the Mindshare Mentorship podcast.In very meta fashion,...

99. Managing scope, red flags, and handling difficult client situations

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.This episode is in response to the story shared by Michel Fortin ...

98. How to take a one month vacation when you have a roster of monthly retainer clients

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Here's a good question from Mark about taking a one month vacation when you have a ful...

97. How to price your productized consulting services based on value

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the Mindshare community.Productized consulting is a great way to design your business in a way that is profita...

96. Should you sell upfront stategy, audit, and roadmapping or start with an advisory retainer?

> Click here to join the conversation on this episode in the communityI had a great question come in via DM last night, so I'll keep it anonymous but I wanted to go de...

95. Why you want to focus on systems and processes—not just tactics and strategies

One of the things I like to promote in my consulting services is creating consistent and predictable results for my clients. In order to do that, you need to create ef...

94. Applying the 80/20 principal to your consulting work

> Join this episode's conversation here.According to the Pareto Principal:The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% ...

93. Why you need to design your business for success

> Join the conversation on this topic.This episode is related to the Daily Idea I posted today about designing your business.We're still in January of 2021, which mean...

92. How to create proposals people WANT to buy

> Join the conversation on this episode here.I was helping someone in the group win a proposal recently using the proposal template in the Templates section. I asked w...

91. Why you should make your home office look like a movie set

>> Join the conversation for this episode in the Mindshare communityWe live on Zoom calls and webinars now—mostly from our home office.That's the reality of most marke...

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