196. Iteration and innovation is the only way

Iteration and improvement.

That's how we're going to approach this
podcast episode today, as well as how

we're going to approach our business.


One of the things I've
noticed about my business.

All the businesses I've ever run
is I've taken my best foot forward.

I've taken my best judgment
and brought it to the market.

And put up offers that
I think would resonate.

And what ends up happening
is you get feedback.

The more you put things out there, whether
it's in the form of content, whether it's

in the form of offers, which is something
I've been talking a little bit more about

lately, whether it's in the form of.

Service lines or markets
that you want Bye.

Putting yourself out there with your
content, your ideas and your offers.

And starting conversations with people,
inevitably what's going to happen is

you're going to get feedback and you're
not going to have people come to you and

say, that sounds like an interesting idea.

Tell me more, or that sort
of sounds like this or.

Here's what I would want.

From you.

If, if I could customize the solution.

Uh, maybe not those exact words,
but I've basically had people

say, look in an ideal world.

This is how we would
look to work together.

Is there something like that
that we can make And what ends up

happening is you start to notice
where the resonant parts are.

You start to see.

You start to see people buying things at
the end of the day that you're selling.

And so you double down on the things
that are working and frankly, You may

just give up on the things that are not
working so well, and that might be the

smartest move you can make, because at
the end of the day, it's going to help you

focus on things that are going to work.

And you really don't know what's
going to work until you expose

your ideas and your offers.

And have conversations with the people.


And that's the, kind of the gist of what
I want to convey to you today is that.

There is no roadmap necessarily.

That's going to get you
where you want to go.

The thing that I want to help you do
as best as possible is give you some

guiding principles, some things that
have worked for me, but at the end

of the day, they may not work for
you and something else may work or

some nuance or some subtle variation.

So, what I often recommend
people do is look.


Rely on your gut instinct.

Trust it.

Take a new information and if it
doesn't work, if it doesn't pass

the filter, let's talk about it.

Analyze what's resonating.

What's not see where the
mental hangups are coming from.

If content or ideas.

Say that someone is teaching
you don't fully align with you.

You can leave it or you can.

Push it and say, Hey, let's
talk about this a little bit.


What I use this approach
versus the one I'm used to.

And really just until you feel
settled or satisfied that you

have a good answer as to why.

One idea or another.

Is good.

Then frankly, you can do
whatever it is you want.

And then let the market decide
what's best for you because it

doesn't matter what anyone tells you.

Doesn't matter what you learn.

The best people can do is give you a
framework, give you a method, give you

some tactics, some strategies, some tools.

To help you achieve your goals.

But at the end of the day, the only
thing that's going to work is iteration.

Improvements it's doubling down
on the things that are working.

It's discontinuing or, or not
promoting things that aren't working.

Trying new things, putting a new
offers, even if nobody buys And

doing that a few times to see and
waiting and trying again and switching

things up and tweaking things.

Because eventually you're going to
land on something that's really good.

Eventually you're gonna land on an idea.

That's easy to sell.

That is profitable for
you and for your clients.

And it's aligned with people's interests.

Ideally it's unique, although it
doesn't have to be a unicorn, it

doesn't have to be a category creation.

Product or service, ideally it's unique.

But, you know it, when you see it.

And the only way, you know, is not to
be too precious with your ideas and not

to stay with things that are working.

For too long.

But instead to.

Try new things, put things out
there and iterate, iterate, iterate,

and sometimes it means a wholesale
deleting, removing, cutting.

Destroying and rebuilding of your
products, your services, your

content framework, your strategies.

You know, what is the operating
principle that you're guiding

yourself under for me right now?

It's if I, I know that if I
legitimately help you and my clients.

Transform and become a better
version of themselves through

your professional selves.

You know, if you're trying to become
an advisor, for example, how do I make

you successful at being an advisor?

And if I do that, not only is that
mean the value is in alignment between

what you're paying someone like me and.

And then therefore what you're getting,
but what ends up happening is that's where

the word of mouth kicks in and that's
where people talk and spread your ideas

and they share it and that sort of thing.

So I want my guiding principles.

I want to make you successful.

And see significant results.

In the areas you're trying to go to and
creating leverage around your expertise.

And that

You gain the success needed to be my
advocate to go out and promote and

share the good word that I'm trying
to spread and to kind To help me get

in front of more and more people.

And to keep coming back or to come back
as long as you need to, or to buy the

next product or service that I offer.

Because he knows that that's going to
take you to a new level in a different

And, you know, ideally you see things
in a richer way that allow you to.

Capture the opportunities that you have.

So all this is to say is
that there really are no.

Good answers, but it helps to have a
guiding light and a guiding principle.

One that is focused on true,
genuine transformation.

About who the person really is not
necessarily what they can do, but who

they become professionally and personally.

And what does that impact have on
their entire business and personal

And then spread the word that way.

So as long as you have a guiding
principle, whether it's that

one or something like it.


You keep putting things out there,
keep putting new ideas out there.

Keep putting new services
out there, tweaking things.

Every time you have a sales
conversation, if your productized

service needs it, it needs an

Ask yourself.

If I made this adjustment, would
it work for the past clients

that I also sold this to?

And if it would and
using them as the lens.

To come up with the best solution
that fits your core target Then make

the change permanently new product.

I service.

And if something doesn't feel right, if
your prices feel too high or too low,

Then it's time to adjust
as time to change.

What you're doing.

To match how you feel because you
have a lot of data through discussion.

With prospects in your target market.

So that's kind of the general message is
that there really is no straight path.

To succeeding in any way.

The best thing you can
do is equip yourself

Tools and processes and ideas
and tactics and strategies.

A good mindset.

That's going to help you being an advocate
for your clients and helping them make

transformations so that they go in.

Market for you.

Things like that and having.

At the end of the day.

A mindset that you're not married
to your best ideas, cause you

may fall in love with your idea,
especially if you made it up.

On a walk or, you know, just sort of in
your head and not in a custom proposal,

for example, really easy to fall in
love with the thing that you're doing.

Or a target market that you're working
with or what have you, and then not

adjusting it, but then also not getting
results and not getting traction.

So just want to remind you that.

Yes, follow and model people who have
succeeded the way you're trying to do.

If that helps find the ingredients
that work really well for you.

Try things out, even if it makes
you a little uncomfortable.

Test, push back, ask questions to try
to figure out where your expertise.

Or your perspective differs from the
people who are, are a few steps ahead of

you and find out where the disconnect is.

If you're not understanding or
you're not believing in something.

But ultimately just being ready
to try stuff and not being too

precious until you gain traction.

And then once he gained traction, that's
about doubling down and eliminating

things that are less profitable for you.

And continuing to iterate.

Towards improvement on your business.

So just wanted to share this with you.

Just reminding you that.

All these ideas stack up.

But nothing is going to help
you get to where you want to go.

Except iteration.

And the way you iterate
is through conversations.

Through your content and your ideas
and seeing what people resonate

with and stick to and putting out
offers and seeing what people buy.

And, you know, for example, I'm putting
together course how to sell advice.

And a lot of people have come to
me saying, wow, that's interesting.

It's unique and valuable sounding.

And I'm really curious as to
what that's going to be about.

And who was going to be four.

And really I'm kind of then paying
attention and saying, well, what

sounds interesting about that to you?

What are you trying to
accomplish related to that?

How does that make you feel?

What would a course like
this potentially have?

And of course I've got my own ideas, but
I don't want to fall in love with my own

ideas and I don't want to be too precious.

And so on the one hand I'm seeing
ears perk up and a lot of people,

my peers and my target, market's
saying that sounds interesting.

And not many people are doing that.


You know about breaking free of execution
and getting into an advisor work.

And to consulting, selling your head.

Selling access to your
brain kind of thing.

And so there's.

So there's something there based
on what people are telling me.

And the name maybe in
itself sounds interesting.

So I'm going to continue to follow that,
continue to build around it, and then

to continue to not just rely on my own.

View on what that product should
be, but to pay attention to the

people who could potentially buy it.

And ultimately build my business
around those kinds of conversations.

And not just the ones
that live in my head.

So yes.

You want to have a vision?


You want to create something that.

You feel should be in the world,
but then you also at the same

time have to hold it loosely.

And yet not also be at the whim of.

Random people.

So it's a very delicate process.

Like all things like all transformation,
like all creation, it's delicate

because you want to create the thing
that you have as a vision, because you

know that there's something there and
you also want to then gently hold it.

While also taking other perspectives
in and then seeing if there's where

the common ground is, especially when
your target market perks their ears

and is interested and wants to buy.

And there's no other form of
validation better than a transaction.

And that's how, you know, you're onto
something there's frankly, no other way.

So iterate, look for the transactions.

Look for the signs of life.

As I've talked over before, look
for interest and then double down

on the things that are working.

And not be too precious with the ideas
that you have, because I'm sure they're

good, but they might just be adjacent to
where you I hope that helps bye for now.

Oh, and before you go, if you
want to get on the waiting list

for how to sell advice, head on
over to my website, kevin.me.

And you'll see a dropdown under products,
and that'll take you to the how to sell

advice page it's at kevin.me/advice.

You can click and join the wait list
and I'll notify you and maybe give you a

little inside track when the product gets
closer to being announced or released.

Uh, so you can do that.

And as always.

This podcast is going to spread
through word of mouth more than I

don't really promote it too heavily.

And, uh, yet I want to
get the word out there.

So if you know anyone else who is on
that journey from execution into advisory

work and beyond, and do you think that
this would be a good fit for them?

Please send it, send them my

They can check out just Kevin dummy
there's links to my podcast, my

email list, a crash course, all kinds
of that's how I'm going to grow.

So I really appreciate if we're
getting value out of this, that, uh,

you just recommend it to a friend.

That's all.

Okay my friends you take care and bye for

196. Iteration and innovation is the only way
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