71. Selling membership, group coaching, and low-ticket 1:1 coaching

Hello friendly people!

Oren had some questions about my coworking consultancy's membership program, whether people upgrade to the 1:1 premium "inner circle coaching" option, and whether it's the same things my Propeller Program.

In this episode, I break down:
  • How many people are in those groups
  • Whether people upgrade to the premium 1:1 coaching
  • The surprising benefits of memberships outside of the money it generates
  • How the small group coaching works and why it's a good idea to try
  • And how being in a niche (or having a clearly defined market) is key if you plan to sell a program like any of these
I also mention a past recording of a situation where a client was considering as downgrade into the 1:1 inner circle coaching. Here's a link to that recording (episode #65).

The bottom line is this: 
If you're going to do group stuff, it helps to be in a niche or serve a very specific group of people, otherwise it's just too hard to coach or teach a group of people who are in completely different situations. You end up broadening and generalizing your info to the point of it losing most of it's value.

Think small to think big!

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71. Selling membership, group coaching, and low-ticket 1:1 coaching
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