52. How to create a low-tier consulting offer that works for everybody

Have you ever wanted to create a low-tier consulting service? Something your smaller clients could afford that delivers lots of value, gets results, and is profitable for you?

Oren has a great question around just this topic. 
I've been evaluating doing a low tier, like $750/mo for unlimited slack messages (no phone calls). Like a light weight version pre your advisor tier. Concern is massive energy-drain potentially. Multiple businesses pinging lots of questions over all day long. A fair few businesses I talk to have circa 10k a month to spend on marketing. So eating up 2,5k is too big a chunk which is why I lose them. 
I've tried before to sell low-price offers which include a call per month then unlimited Slack access. Nobody bought it.

But then I introduced group coaching. It flew off the shelves and performs really well.

In this episode, I talk about all of that, as well as some tactics and strategies for making it work. It includes things like:
  • Why group coaching is actually better for your clients (more 1:1 live help)
  • How groups lead to better accountability (from you and their peers)
  • Why you want to have at least a 6-month commitment
  • Why it's not really a hassle if you do it right
  • Why you want to package and deliver content in addition to the coaching
  • And why specializing makes the whole thing more compelling and valuable to your clients
  • How to promote it using the 5130 method by Taki Moore
Oren also mentioned:
Everything I read points to niching down further. What's less clear to me is the process for doing this successfully.  Also kinda tricky to do when I’m currently getting leads and closing more business.
It's a great point and I talk about this towards the end of the recording. 

I will do more content on this soon because it's not perfectly intuitive and it's really valuable if you can do it (specialize).

That's all for now, have a great weekend!



52. How to create a low-tier consulting offer that works for everybody
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