169. Thinking like an agency
There's a common misconception that marketing advisors don't execute.
The reality is, we do execute. We just don't use our hands nor manage the minutia.
In this episode, I talk about how to think like an agency (even if you're doing advisory work).
At the end of the day, you're responsible for execution. You just do it differently than a typical agency.
Listen in and use this way of thinking in your own business—and during sales conversations when delivering this idea matters most.
The reality is, we do execute. We just don't use our hands nor manage the minutia.
In this episode, I talk about how to think like an agency (even if you're doing advisory work).
At the end of the day, you're responsible for execution. You just do it differently than a typical agency.
Listen in and use this way of thinking in your own business—and during sales conversations when delivering this idea matters most.