152. Should you follow-up with prospects who don't reply?

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I saw a tweet the other day by Andrew Warner, host of the Mixergy podcast.

He reaches out to potential guests asking if they would like to appear on his shows. Only 25% of the people he reached out to replied... which is wild because he has a huge platform.

But when he started doing follow-ups, he doubled his response rate to 50%.

Which got me thinking, should you do follow-ups to your prospects who don't reply?

In this episode, I explore whether you should, and if so, how you could do it without seeming desperate.

Give it a listen and let me know what you do when following up with potential opportunities.


P.S. If you're interested in jumping on a beta version of a mastermind group coaching program, hit me up in the DMs or email me at kevin@kevin.me.

I have three spots remaining in a group of five and I'm aiming to fill it this month. Learn more here: https://society.mindshare.fm/c/announcements/are-you-interested
152. Should you follow-up with prospects who don't reply?
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