136. Two lesssons from a sales conversation gone wrong

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Every so often, a prospect comes along who's not an ideal fit.

And with that, the sales conversation usually doesn't go super well.

In this episode, I talk about a recent sales conversation I had with someone who was not in my ideal target market.

And there were two lessons:

  1. Niching and credibility are at the top of my Mindshare Methodology Framework for a reason—and it impacts the sales conversation (see image below)
  2. Instead of answering how you work, start by figuring out what your prospects wants, why it matters, how they envision success looking like, and only then explaining how you work once you understand their true goals and think you can help.
Give this a listen and see if you agree.

Here's the framework I mentioned, which I talk about in Episode 134: A framework for leveraging and selling your expertise.

136. Two lesssons from a sales conversation gone wrong
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